Thursday, October 30, 2008

She’s Been Good to Me!

She’s been there for me for more than 18 years, although she left me for a while in the middle. I forgot how much I liked her until she came back to me. Now I don’t know what I would do without her. We fit. We share common strengths: we are both frugal, both minimalists, and both starting to show our age.

I remember the first time we were together; I just knew that even though I was newly married, she was going to be part of my life. My then father-in-law was furious when he found out about her, and I can’t blame him. He just couldn’t understand. He was worried for his daughter, and I don’t blame him for that, but I just couldn’t resist her! Things got tough more than once, and she and I would go off together just the two of us and work things out. Nothing inappropriate—just talk things through, and come back more level headed.

As I said, she left me at one point. I started over and pretended not to care. I found others like her, but it was not the same. I even tried a younger version of her, but that was a disaster! We just never got along, the younger model and me. It is amazing what a difference 10 years can make. Trust me younger is not necessarily better! Fortunately for me, she came back to me, and we have been together ever since.

We reached a milestone together on Monday--one that even my father hasn’t reach in his 80+ years. It was kind of sweet in a way. We were coming to work together early in the morning, and I just had to pull over and take a picture of her. A close-up to show what we have been through together, to capture that special moment for us to remember after the inevitable happens.

To my favorite 1989 Pontiac Firefly, congratulations! I don’t think either of us has another half million Kilometers left in us.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bolivia or Bust Tour 2009!

The first student presentation for the Bolivia or Bust Tour is next Tuesday, and then I will know how much interest there really is. I have been working on a day schedule ever since I came back from my preparatory trip in August, but it is always hard to know how much to pack in. Things happen on trips, and formulating a firm schedule is a fool’s game. For instance, my first day of my August trip was 51 hours long. It was not intended to be, but things happen. When it comes to scheduling, I am not known for stopping to smell the roses, but I know I will have to do much more rose-sniffing on this trip.

Bolivia is the only country that has been able to stop me in my tracks—to make me sit and breathe and take a break. I think I respect her a little for that. In August, I was in Santa Cruz during a para (general strike). Everything just stopped. No cars on the roads. No businesses open. No one working. I think my Facebook status read something like, “Santa Cruz is eerily quiet and peaceful in a Dawn of the Living Dead kind of way.” I found it an interesting form of protest; everyone just has a nice family day. There were a few days warning, so people stocked up on food, water, picnic supplies and toilet paper.

I have a well-honed sense for identifying trouble, but as we walked the streets of Santa Cruz, we saw soccer in the streets, not cars, and we even spotted an occasional ice cream vender. It has been my experience…you know, from riots I have attended in the past!...that there is rarely ice cream served. And yes, this para was very peaceful. Some since then have been more violent, unfortunately, but still nothing on the scale of the violence that has been seen in many other countries around the world.

What is important for me to remember, and it is important for students to understand as well, is that we will be travelling in a developing nation: things are not like home. They aren’t better or worse, just different. There are certainly risks and dangers (mostly with driving) in Bolivia that we do not have to contend with at home, but there is so much to be experienced! I can’t imagine Calgary without cars for a day, and I can’t remember the last time I took a day off work and spent it with my family.
There is no question that this will be a learning experience for all involved. And, for many, it will truly be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. See you on the “B or B Tour 2009”!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Turkey Poisoning

We have just completed the first long weekend of the school year. I can always pick out the first-year students who are having problems with homesickness by the Thanksgiving long weekend. It starts about three weeks before Thanksgiving with unexplained absences on Friday or Monday—or both!

During the first month of classes, there are many activities to keep students busy, and, of course, there is a little studying as well. By the second month, the assignments are stacking up, finals are coming, and homesickness is setting in. Judging by the laundry baskets in the back seat of many of the trucks in the parking lot, students are suffering a shortage of clean clothes as well.

There is nothing worse than being away from home for the first time and being sick. The Friday absences are exacerbated by Thursday night activities. In order to fight off homesickness, students often gather at a local watering hole to compare notes on school projects. (At least I think that is what they are doing?) Waking up on Friday morning, feeling sick, missing Mom or Dad, and facing an 8 o’clock CAD class are ingredients the combine nicely to make a long weekend. This explains the absences before Thanksgiving.

The “real” long weekend gets longer for a different reason: Turkey Poisoning. I am sure that the reason some students don’t come back after the Thanksgiving holiday has nothing to do with them reevaluating if college is where they want to be. I don’t think it has anything to do with them feeling like they are missing out on what their life used to be when they had friends, family and familiar places. I think it is a little-known medical condition I like to call Turkey Poisoning. This condition most often lasts 2-3 days with complete recovery occurring a week after onset. Symptoms include lethargy and a melancholy demeanor. Recovery can be aided with large doses of humor and a pinch of understanding. If left untreated, Turkey Poisoning can be fatal for a college career. So students, if you find yourself afflicted with Turkey Poisoning, get back to school as soon as possible; your instructors are much funnier than your parents. Or try a preventative approach and eat ham instead.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So What Is Really There?

One of the best parts of working at Olds College is that you can do some very interesting things if you are so inclined. During a recent survey class, Jack (my very talented Instructional Assistant) suggested that we let the students tackle a drainage problem for a new garden under construction. There was a CAD plan, and some work had been started, but Jack was suspicious that the work and the plan did not match. One quick measurement confirmed his fears; the plan did not fit in the restricted space provided. It seems that the plan was more of a suggestion—like traffic ‘laws’ in Sri Lanka. The discrepancy bothered me, mostly because I did not want to go and take a bunch of measurements. But what alternative was there?

Well, for starters we could get an air photo of the current situation, scale it and print it off for the students to work from, I thought. So I called my mentor, Murray, and we did just that. Now before you think colleges have money for renting airplanes at the whim of an instructor, I need to explain. Murray and I did a research project a few years back on portable remote sensing. The outcome of the project was a remote controlled aerial platform for taking pictures. It has proven very handy to answer questions such as "What is really there?" On this occasion it provided an added bonus.

A new garden feature under construction

It turned out that the fall colors where spectacular! I am not an artsy guy by nature, and those who know me know I have no talent at all, but even someone as artistically obtuse as I am was impressed at Mother Nature’s amazing canvas. It took about 20 minutes to get the pictures and an hour to decide which ones I wanted to keep. Another 30 minutes were required to get the data into the computer, scaled into a template, and ready to print. Another 15 minutes to repeat the whole process when my computer shut down and I realized I had not once saved…When will I ever learn?

Off to class I went, armed with the photos, laser levels, chains (tape measures), pins and other implements of destruction (sorry, flashing back to Alice’s Restaurant), and the students dug in. Now, I confess I see the world through slightly different glasses than most, but it warms the cockles of my heart to see Turf students measuring with chains and a plumb bob without any prodding from me. I was in such a good mood when I got back to my office that I thought I would share some of the pictures with everyone. I picked a few, saved them on our network, and sent an email to all students and employees of Olds College encouraging them to have a look at the beautiful shots.

The north orchard in fall splender

Now, I should know better than to send out a college-wide email, but I never learn. While I was getting emails to the effect of "great pictures," our IT department was getting emails to the effect of "why can’t I see those pictures?" It turns out that there is not a single network location that is accessible to everyone at Olds College. This made me think: isn’t it interesting that at a learning institution there is no single location within our network for collaboration between students, staff and faculty? Yes, the network provides space for virtual get-togethers between any two of the three groups, but not all. It is not that there couldn’t be space, there just wasn’t…yet.

Olds College from the North West

So where do we collaborate? Students collaborate on facebook, Second Life, the residence lounge, and in the back of my class. Faculty collaborates in the staff room, at lunch, or in the hall between offices. We collaborate at conferences, or after meetings—sometimes even during a meeting—but true collaboration, global collaboration, does require a whole new set of tools. I don’t have them yet, but I am willing to try. This blog is a start. My web guru emailed and said "Why didn’t you just put them on Flickr?" I don’t have a good answer for that, but next time I will give it a shot. Every time I think I am being wildly creative, I discover that, in fact, I am only being mildly creative. There is always more to learn, and there is always a better faster way to do it. The day I think I have it all figured out will be the day I know dementia has set in.

Looking South West across Olds

This is the closest I get to artsy shots. Enjoy the beauty that only Mother Nature can serve up. And watch for a Picasa photo album coming your way.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Music Lessons in CAD

I have been very nice so far on this blog, and those that know me will wonder what valium derivative I take before writing. Perhaps it is time for some of my niceness to disappear…

Class dynamics have always intrigued me, and over the years, I have honed the skill of identifying early what might go wrong and who might influence it. I am frustrated when I get a group of students who collectively don’t want to take advantage of the opportunities to learn that are given to them here at Olds College. Instructors can try to encourage learning but will have, at best, only moderate success unless students engage the topic, actively think, and attempt to apply the content to real life. I have found one type of student with whom I always have to work hardest to redirect their thinking: “the Producer.”

The Producer is that student who comes to class and just wants to know the steps to get the assignments done. These students would do well working on an assembly line but not working as a land agent or any other career that involves lots of problem solving. The Producer is not bothersome in class but needs very detailed instructions and cannot handle unscripted events. The Producer somehow believes that if they get all the assignments done in the course they deserve to pass regardless of how long it takes them or how much help they needed to complete the task. These are the students whose eyes glaze over when I rant about assignments as learning activities, not production activities.

I give my music lesson example: When you took music lessons, who wanted to hear you practice your scales? Maybe your mother? Practicing your scales is important if you want to sound good at the recital. I tell students to think of assignments as their scales and exam as their recital. No one would ever dream for playing a piece of music once and then performing it for an adjudicator. The drawings I assign are learning activities. I don’t care what you produce during the practice part of this course; I care what you learn, and I know what you learned when I mark your exam!

The Producer would never consider doing a drawing assignment over.
“So how did you do on the assignment?” I ask.
“I got it done, but it took forever!” she replied.
“Really, why don’t you draw it again?” I suggest.
“What for, I got it done?” she answers indignantly.
“But did you learn anything? If it took you an hour and a half to draw it the first time, it should take you 20 minutes the second time, seven minutes the third. And I can do it in three minutes if I keep my mouth shut while I draw it!” I rant.

Learning CAD has a large tactile component and tactile learning requires repetition. Repeating the same drawing reinforces the tactile learning faster than doing three different drawings utilizing the same tools, but does not promote problem-solving skills. There is a balance that has to be attained between promoting problem solving skills and reinforcing tactile learning.

So remember students, you are here to learn, not to produce. You will get plenty of opportunity to produce when you are on the job. When you do produce something at college, it is to assist the learning process. When you say “I hate homework,” you are really saying “I hate learning.” No project or assignment should ever be given that does not directly support the learning objectives of that course.

I know that if I can break the “just do the work” mentality I have the opportunity to redirect a student so they can get more from the college experience. I encourage students to race each other the second time they do a drawing or add a funny object the second time around. I reinforce that if they make a mistake in practice, that’s OK as long as they know why and can fix it. All problems can be fixed in CAD! Well all drawing problems at least…

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bolivia or Bust

I truly believe that one of the best educational experiences we can give our students is an opportunity to travel to a developing country. I have been influenced from an early age by my father’s childhood experiences in Africa. I did not realize how much affect it had on me until I started to travel to developing countries after the Tsunami of 2004.

Damaged buildings in Sri Lanka 2004

In May of 2009, Olds College and A Better World (ABW) will take students and community members to Bolivia for two weeks. I will be leading this trip and in so doing will realize a dream five years in the making. After Katrina, Olds College and ABW partnered to send a group of students, staff and teachers to the USA to help rebuild homes. Each student returned with new insights into the world in which they live. I know by experience that a trip to Bolivia will have the same result but multiplied by 10! I know by experience that this will be a life-altering experience for some of the people in our group and still very impactful for the rest. I have always said that my job as an instructor is to create a learning environment but that students must do the learning on their own; this trip to Bolivia be a learning environment like none that we could hope to offer here on our campus.

Bolivian mountains and forest

I do have concerns and a little trepidation: all developing countries are unstable, all have unique health and cultural challenges, and all have safety issues (usually the traffic is the worst). I am encouraged by the fact that we have some very fine people in Bolivia to help. Marg and Jake Hoogland moved to Bolivia from Canada about three years ago; Zenon Flores is a local agriculture instructor with a passion for his field; and Maria Jose is the director of CERINID, a local home for street boys. And I hope that my experience in the country will prove beneficial as I lead the trip. I have been to Bolivia twice myself, and ABW has completed two very successful trips there in the last two years.

Marg and Jake Hoogland

Zenon Flores and a Golden Agouti Boar

So, here goes a new journey for me and a great opportunity for students and others in the community. Let’s hope this time I don’t need to use my GPS coordinates for the coffin store! Stay tuned for more details, and follow along on this blog in May to read about the adventure.