Thursday, April 1, 2010

It Is a Man's Prerogative to Change His Mind!

First off, the shelters are going up! After some interesting politics and some supply issues, the work started about a week ago. Eleven men from the camp are working with Paco's foreman to build in a very manual way: 1x2 lumber is not available, so 1x4 lumber is ripped in half with two hand saws, one from each end. I think it becomes a bit of a race with men switching off the saws as they tire.

My question to Paco was if we could speed things up by getting two more saws? He replied that if I was serious about getting things done quicker, I would figure out how to get a generator on site so he could use his power saw. Now, those who know me know that I am opposed to generators in general. I launched into my usual reply about how the generator would put 4 men out of work and so on. He assured me that, when this project is done, he has many more lined up and that he would hire all the men to work on those projects. "Besides," he added.....
Point taken, Paco. I am off shopping for a generator today!

1 comment:

Carole Calenso-Fair said...

"I'm a man and I can change....if I have to." a quote from another famous Canadian who still has his beard. Glad to hear progress is being made and that Paco can hold his own in conversation with you! The sense of urgency helps one to reprioritize.

There was a great story on CBC radio about how Haitian artists were helping to rebuild the spirit and economy of their country and it was brought to life for me by your presentation at the college and the pieces you brought back. Thanks for agreeing to do more of the same for the College's open house on the 10th.