Friday, February 19, 2010

Out of the Dark and Into the Light

I have never experienced pitch black nor pure light. My life has been spent in the continuum between darkness and light. December 21st is a banner day in my house, because that is when the hope for more light begins. This has been a particularly dark fall. I quit writing this blog after Christmas partly because I wasn't sure if anyone was still reading it and partly because I didn't feel I had anything worth saying. It seems the days are getting longer now, however, and the light has returned to my life.

I believe we require a balance between darkness and light in our daily life. Too much of either is not healthy. Our lives can appear dark for many reasons: short days, no power, or tinted glasses to name a few. But I think sometimes the darkness is there simply because I forget to open my eyes and see. Often the light is there, has been there perhaps for many years, but I just don't open my eyes to see.

En route to Haiti as part of A Better World's assistance team for that devastated country, I arrived in the Dominican Republic and was asked what I thought of Santa Domingo last night. I had to reply that it was "dark." We had landed during the night and had no reference for what it would look like in the morning. But in spite of the darkness last night, morning came--as it always does.

Sometimes things look dark just because of what we compare it to. That's what the contrast slider is for! A little fiddling with the contrast control can fix this particular problem in a hurry. Being here in Haiti has quickly moved my contrast slider to the bright side for my life! Darkness and light are relative terms that cannot be expressed in isolation. Our lives are best viewed in relative terms, too. Recent events have reminded me of the importance of opening my eyes to see. The days are getting longer and relatively speaking, my future's so bright, I have to wear shades!

Keep the people of Haiti in your hearts, your prayers, or at least in the front of your mind.

P.S. Write a comment every now and then so I know you are out there.


Carole Calenso-Fair said...

Welcome back, from one in your readership!

The fog is settling into the valley and the sun and blue sky are appearing as I look out my kitchen window. So yes...there is the chance and choice of change in perception.

Read this just before I saw your blog and it seemed to fit with what you're striving for in Haiti.

"I believe we should fight for the unrealistic, rather than defend the unacceptable."
-- Bill Shore, Founder of Share our Strength, a hunger organization

Hope you can help the community find their light.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gordon,
so glad to hear that you have made the trip to help as you can in Haiti, I know you will do what you can to make life better for those within your reach!

Anonymous said...

Stay strong mentally and physically as you take on more world woes. You have a gifted mind for figuring out solutions that work for people with great needs. Thank you for serving our fellow man kind. Let us know how we can best help out. Don't forget to take care of yourself too!