Tuesday, December 1, 2009

One Cranky Geek

I am really pissed off right now!

Life has been difficult lately. I have been very busy and have had to try to fit into many cultures. This week brings me yet another one. I am in Las Vegas at the AutoDESK University 2009 Convention. My mind has not much been on teaching lately, and, although I really love this convention, I didn't expect this year to fill any needs I have been feeling.

I long ago chose my workshops and haven't looked at my choices since, so I was surprised to see my first class was on Raster Design. This product has not changed much in the last three years according to the blogs I have been reading, but the course was taught by an excellent presenter so I thought I would give her until my coffee was done before I wandered into a different course. So...piss me off!...90 minutes and a cold, forgotten coffee later, I have a bunch of new tricks in a program I thought I knew!

So, okay, they got lucky with the first course, but next is the general keynote address. That should be a bunch of uninspiring autoDESK advertising like last year. But, no! They have a great speaker who talks on holistic design and green engineering. Piss me off again!! I was really hoping to be disappointed just to justify my dark mood.

Lunch is next, and the food was crap last year. There is hope! Yeah, it was excellent today, so now I am contentedly full to boot, but I am not giving up on being disappointed. Next is the educational keynote. This always digresses into a bitchfest about how much the software costs and why can't autoDESK tell us what we should teach. This always leaves me in the mood to throttle most of my fellow colleagues while yelling at them not to click the "skip" button on the "What Is New In This Release" dialog box. Much to my chagrin, the guest speaker talked about changing pedagogy to create a well-rounded, problem solving, creative learner who learns by doing. Damn!

Three for 3 now, how am I supposed to be disgruntled and maintain my bad mood? To add insult to injury, I have had 3 great hallway encounters--learned from 2 and taught in 1. The best I can do is be pissed off about not being pissed off! Well, I give up. The enthusiastic geek in me just bitchslapped the moody pessimist right out of me. Just to prove to you that the geek has won, let me tell you that I wrote this blog on my smartphone and am now going to bootleg a signal to send it to my editor (thanks!) because I have classes until 10 tonight and will not have time to publish it myself. Remember, the geek shall inherit the earth!

1 comment:

Shawna Cevraini said...

Very funny Gord! I love to read your blog! May we all be cranky geeks!