Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wilma’s Day!

Today we went to CIAT, an experimental farm that had a little of everything: fruit, crops, chickens, beef and even worms. Wilma’s eyes lit up as soon as she met the fruit expert, and they were swapping phone numbers and email addresses in no time--all professional, I can assure you. We had so many questions that the guides had to limit the questions at each stop. Wilma smiled the whole day, especially when she was digging for worms. We almost mistook her for Brent!

Corinne has hijacked the Blog for a paragraph:
Brent wanted to play some special Bolivian bingo……He was hoping to win big…..Lyle nearly had our
fairer sex taking a wild plunge into the sewer do meidio de streeto. Wilma and super Bugman have annihilated nearly all the Bolivian insectos, and now the birds are in danger of starving…..Bolivian toilet paper turns blue when it is wet…If we are cheap in Canada, we are cheap here …..No one is talking about bowel movements, yet, even if they plug Bolivian toilets

Ok, back to me. Next, we went to the sugar cane research station. The group had the opportunity to drink raw sugar cane juice. The bug people got to see the biological pest control lab where very small wasps are raised to control a moth that bores into the cane. We drove back through the cane fields, and Neil kept running beside the bus getting his picture taken in front of taller and taller canes.

Lunch back in Montero was late but good. We said good-bye to Zenon, Marg and Jake and headed into Santa Cruz. Neil and Alicia were very excited at the thought of getting their luggage back after LAN airlines finally located them. We were glad they got to change their underwear! Maria Jose had strong words with the airline and had bags delivered to the hotel. Our excellent driver, Juan, got us to the Suiza Hotel, this included crossing 4 lanes of rush hour traffic inside of one block. The hotel was great, very colorful bed spreads, and even a little pool, sort of.

We finished the day with a great meal in a sidewalk café and more laughter and blogging. Off to CERENID tomorrow--into the mountains and cooler temperatures, I hope.

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