Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Billion to One

Two weeks ago I was in India surrounded by more than one billion people. I have been in India's largest cities--Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Hyderabad--where millions of people live and work. There are people everywhere. The busses are full. The streets are crowded at all times of day. Business is happening all around. There is no question that I stand out on the city streets there, but I don't feel threatened or in danger. I do feel out of place.

In the smaller urban centers like Aizawl, Champai, Narsapur, and Guntur I often had a guide or colleague to assist me. These places are just as crowded and just as busy. Traffic is heavy, and, again, business happens everywhere. I have always felt safe, and time and time again people have gone out of their way to help me, but I still feel out of place.

Today, I am alone in a huge house with my nearest neighbour about a mile away. I feel very alone. Even the renters next door left while I was away. Even here, I feel out of place. It was hard to have a simple conversation in India because of the language barrier. Now I have to call someone or just listen to myself talk. I know from experience that it takes a while to adjust to whereever I find my feet, but there is a difference between adjusting and feeling comfortable.

My son will be home soon, and there is no shortage of things to do today, but the trip from a billion to one has taken a lot out of me. The jet lag I can deal with. It is the culture shift I find harder and harder to take. Remember to count your blessings, whatever you consider them to be, because no matter how bad you think you have it right now, there is someone much worse off. Keep looking for that silver lining; I'll bet it is there.

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